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Greetings Kings & Queens

This platform was not only created to provide helpful tidbits about health and beauty, but to also build a community of wealth of knowledge for thriving kings & queens!

"When you know thyself, you know thy wealth!"

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Be More Aggressive!

Excuses, excuses, excuses... yeah we all have them but have you truly just sat back and thought about how much an excuse really takes a toll on your life? Have you ever taken a second and realize how much further you have separated yourself from your goals by using just ONE excuse?

Stop feeling stuck in life and simply close your eyes and just breathe. By taking that one breath of air, can calm down your consciousness which allows you to self assess your current state in life. I've learned that sometimes it best to write your goals down after this brief mediation period to regain your focus on the goals you have set. Also think of practical ways to take ownership of your life and force the universe to shift in your favor. Beautiful things happen when you take that leap out of your comfort zone and sprint to what you call success. So remember to breathe, regain your focus and be more aggressive.

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