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Greetings Kings & Queens

This platform was not only created to provide helpful tidbits about health and beauty, but to also build a community of wealth of knowledge for thriving kings & queens!

"When you know thyself, you know thy wealth!"

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Hey! Quick question and be honest with yourself. Are you producing positive or negative energy into the universe? Now before you go and just throw any old answer out. Let's seriously take a moment and self reflect. I personally believe that we are ALL being productive everyday (some more than others) but are we truly aware of what we are producing? Like how the saying goes, if you hang around 9 millionaires you have great potential to be the 10th. As cliche as the saying is, it's very true. Those millionaires are producing the energy of wealth. So agian I ask you, what are you producing… positivity or negativity? Laziness or hard work? Life or death? Take a moment to self evaluate and let's produce a generation of positivity. 

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